Socioeconomics & Infrastructure

Extensive research has been completed on socioeconomics, public services, and housing related to the proposed expansion at Grand Targhee Resort and to regional growth in general.
We've included links to these local and regional studies to better help community members evaluate and understand the impacts. Teton County, ID and Teton County, WY commissioned ECONorthwest to draft a report to help the counties better understand the socioeconomic impacts of Grand Targhee’s proposed expansion.

Click the link below to access this report:

Effects of Proposed Grand Targhee Development on Public Services and Housing Markets in Teton County, ID - ECONorthwest, 2022

Public Services

This study was co-funded by Teton County, Idaho, Teton County, Wyoming and the Alta, WY Solid Waste District to analyze likely local socio-economic impacts stemming from proposed development at Grand Targhee Resort. The report concludes that revenue from future development at Grand Targhee would not outweigh the cost of impacts on Teton County, ID’s roads, traffic congestion, solid waste and recycling, emergency services, and affordable housing. The table below, created by ECONorthwest and included in the study results, identifies public service costs for each jurisdiction and revenue options available to support public service provision. Read the entire report at the link above for an in-depth analysis of socio-economic, public service, and housing impacts.